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Pentyrch Primary School home page

Pentyrch Primary School


Pentyrch Primary School acknowledges the importance of its role in the welfare of young people, and through the general ethos of the school we always encourage children in need of support to come forward.


We are committed to ensuring the safety and protection of all children and will take action to safeguard their wellbeing and acknowledge that children have a right to protection.


We work in partnership with outside agencies to safeguard children.


When concerns are sufficient it may be necessary to make a referral to Children’s services.


At Pentyrch we have a comprehensive safeguarding/child protection policy. All staff have undertaken safeguarding training that equips them to recognise and respond to child welfare concerns.


These concerns are then passed to the;


Designated Child Protection Officer, Mrs Amanda Reynolds  (Head of school)


or in her absence


Deputy Designated Child Protection Officer, Mrs Alison Bates (Deputy Head of school)


They follow strict guidelines on how to deal with any concerns as set out in the All Wales Child Protection Procedures.